
享受天然無毒生活 | 告別化學染傷害

最溫暖的AI科技 | 由愛出發健康髮泥

髮林深耕頭皮養護市場多年,具有豐富頭皮養護經驗及科學化驗證,主要是以漢方頭皮養護產品客製化配套提供美容美髮或SPA芳療及養生連鎖通路之相關產業快速拓展頭皮養護服務之整體解決方案, 包含AI頭皮檢測暨顧客管理系統、科學化頭皮養護服務人才培育、及精研漢方頭皮養護產品三位一體, 協助同業/異業產業塑造頭皮養護服務事業推廣之創新營運模式,改善髮量與白髮及各項頭皮問題的頭部康養護產業的服務創新亮點。

Hairing has been deeply involved in the scalp maintenance market for many years, and has rich scalp treatment experiences and scientific verification. It is mainly based on the customized scalp treatment products of Chinese medicine and herbals to provide related industries of beauty salons or SPA aromatherapy and health chain channels. Rapidly expand the overall scalp and grey hair treatment services. The solution includes the trinity of AI scalp detection and customer management system, scientific scalp maintenance service talent cultivation, and refined Hanfang scalp treatment products to assist the various industries to shape an innovative business model for the promotion of scalp treatment services, improve hair volume and The service innovation highlights of the hair care industry for gray hair and various scalp problems.



Happiness hair mud created by love,cares for your healthy and exists to improve your scalp,gray hair and hair volume problems.

髮林的初心 Hairing's original intention

「髮林」幸福髮泥透過每位頭皮健康養護師的雙手,傳遞溫暖給所有需要頭皮的健康的養生者。初衷始於創辦人對母親的愛,希望運用珍貴草本原生力,讓母親避開因長期白髮化學染而幾乎導致腎變的健康危害, 進而希望藉由幸福髮泥將愛擴大讓天下更多為頭皮、髮量與白髮問題而困擾的健康追求者有更安全的選擇。

''Hairing'' happiness hair mud passes through the hands of every scalp health caregiver to deliver warmth to all health care recipients who need scalp health. The original intention began with the founder’s love for his mother. He hoped to use the precious herb’s original power to help mothers avoid the health hazards of the kidneys caused by long-term chemical staining of gray hair. Health seekers who are troubled by scalp, hair volume and gray hair have a safer choice.

髮林的使命與信念 Hairing's mission and belief

多年來,髮林凝聚一群對健康無毒領域持續追求提升的專業人士,包含毛囊健髮保健專家、芳香療癒保健專家、中醫養身專家、 身體SPA排毒專家等都感受過髮林改善頭皮頭髮到臉部皮膚與身體SPA排毒的全方位紓壓系統,改善健康創造了身心幸福, 「髮林」是這群有愛心願意付出時間與精力去耕耘的健康維護者共同代名詞。

Over the years, ''Hairing'' has gathered a group of professionals who are continuously pursuing improvement in the field of health and non-toxicity, including hair follicle health care experts, aromatherapy health care experts, Chinese medicine health experts, body SPA detox experts, etc. The all-round stress relief system of facial skin and body SPA detoxification improves health and creates physical and mental happiness. "Hairing" is the common name of these caring health maintainers who are willing to devote time and energy to work.


Whether it is the general public who knows nothing about white hair health care and scalp hair follicles, or health professionals who are dedicated to finding the best non-toxic head health products for their loved ones, they will provide them with "Hairing" The happy hair mud resonates and continues to use it, thereby enhancing people's higher quality of life and enhancing their sense of happiness.

我們的結論是,如果能和一群有共同熱忱和理念的人,勤奮努力並彼此承諾,必然能夠創造出一個發源自數千年老祖宗智慧,實現於21世紀的珍貴草本健康產品的新典範。有了這樣的信念,「髮林」不再只是侷限於單一區域與專業通路,而是一個有愛、有熱誠,能真正為頭皮健康改善白髮問題, 透過雙手實現的跨界異業結盟溫暖實踐者,讓所有使用的人擁有開啟健康安心的關鍵鑰匙!!

Our conclusion is that if we can work hard and commit to each other with a group of people who share the same enthusiasm and philosophy, we will definitely be able to create a new model of precious herbal health products derived from the wisdom of thousands of years of ancestors and realized in the 21st century With this belief, "Hairing" is no longer confined to a single area and professional channel, but a cross-industry alliance with love and enthusiasm that can truly improve the health of the scalp and achieve the problem of gray hair through hands. Warm practitioners, so that all users have the key to health and peace of mind! !


People embarked on a journey of pursuit for happiness; "Hairing" continued to work in the non-toxic field of scalp and hair in order to provide head health.

髮林的堅持 Hairing's persistence

「髮林」團隊在將近10年研究及改善與證實的過程中,持續問了自己幾個重要的問題:「我們是否可以提供世界上一個最有益頭部健康的護理產品?」 「我們是否能把珍貴草本植物精華運用在針對問題頭皮改善的護理過程中,也同時改善白髮者困擾的問題?」 「我們提供的項目對於提升人類的健康有貢獻?」「我們可唪堅持自然及健康至上原則,提供比市面上品質更高、更安心使用的產品?」 「我們能否以專業的態度,和一流的健康頭皮保健專家、中醫師和意見領袖合作,並提供全世界最安心使用的頭皮護理產品?」


”In the process of nearly 10 years of research, improvement and verification, the "Hairing" team has continued to ask itself several important questions: "Can we provide one of the most beneficial head health care products in the world?" "Can we Use precious herbal plant extracts in the care process for the improvement of problematic scalp, and at the same time improve the problems of gray hair?" "The items we provide contribute to the improvement of human health?" "Can we insist on nature and health first? Principles, to provide products with higher quality and safer use than those on the market?" "Can we cooperate with first-class healthy scalp health experts, Chinese medicine doctors and opinion leaders in a professional manner, and provide the world's most safe scalp for use Care products?" We found that the answer to these questions is yes. "Yes, we can do it!"

髮林的價值觀 Hairing's values



  • 善待並尊重接觸到的每一位貴賓,待客如親
  • 秉持專業,真誠服務與關懷精神與他人溫暖互動。
  • 認真工作並妥善運用髮林健康資源。
  • 展現笑容與幽默,振奮團隊工作士氣。
  • 對支持心懷感激,並多加給予他人肯定。
  • 對社會和世界上的不幸能慷慨解囊,勇於付出。

Become a positive force that warms the society, stabilizes, and makes everyone in contact with us feel happy, no matter our VIPs, users, promoters, and work partners benefit from it. Our approach is:

  • Treat every VIP you come in with kindness and respect, and treat guests like relatives.
  • Uphold professionalism, sincere service and caring spirit to interact with others warmly.
  • Work hard and use Hairing health resources properly.
  • Show a smile and humor to boost the morale of the team.
  • Be grateful for support and give more recognition to others.
  • Be generous to the misfortune of the society and the world, and give courageously.